mardi 17 avril 2007

A bit about Australia

Since my english spoken friends do not understand my blog and I am here to learn english, I will try to write some messages in english.

So I am living in Melbourne, the Second biggest city of australia, after Sydney, and some surveys have showm that Melbourne is the most liveable city in the world (Sydney is within the first 10). Australia counts 20 millions of inhabitants for an equivalent superficy as the USA. So there are as many inhabitants in the whole Australia as the STATE of New york in the USA (ISN'T IT ADAM?)

Australia has a superficy of 7 686 850 km² and is surround by the indian, pacific, and austral oceans.
that's all for today
see ya later gator
in a while crocodile

3 commentaires:

Adam a dit…

Actually, Australia has the population of New York State, not New York City. And thanks for writing in English, the REAL language.

le blagueur

Agnès a dit…

You 're welcome Hamburger

The french frie

Agnès a dit…

merci biby cletus